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Title: Evaluación de la calidad de servicios al cliente en restaurantes/cabañas de la playa San Mateo, Manta.
Authors: Murillo Castro, María José
Keywords: TURISMO
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Murillo Castro, M. J. (2019). Evaluación de la calidad de servicios al cliente en restaurantes/cabañas de la playa San Mateo, Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-HT;0141
Abstract: Tourism is one of the main economic income, since the steady influx of foreigners allows increased entry of currency to countries that practice it, so demand an improvement in the quality of services to the client. Therefore, this study was aimed to evaluate the quality of the products offered in restaurants/huts from the beach of San Mateo, blanket. For this purpose, was conducted a descriptive research - explanatory, resting on two techniques of research, scientific observation and the open interview. We found restaurants/cabins located in the San Mateo beach provide very poor services to visitors, so that there is a satisfaction to the demands of the users. This result is related to, among other things, poor training performance internal customers have in this type of business, but, additionally, evidenced that these just possess a degree of schooling that corresponds, in most cases, only to primary education. He concludes by pointing out that it is necessary to strengthen the services proposed by such establishments, which can be achieved through different strategies as well as ongoing training of its staff.
Description: El turismo es uno de los principales ingresos económicos, debido a que la afluencia constante de extranjeros permite el aumento de entrada de divisas a los países que lo practican, por lo que demanda una mejora en la calidad de servicios al cliente. Por ello, este estudio estuvo dirigido a evaluar la calidad de los productos ofertados en los nueve restaurantes/cabañas de la playa de San Mateo, Manta. Para tal fin se realizó una investigación descriptiva - explicativa mixta, apoyada en dos técnicas de investigación, es decir, la observación científica y la entrevista abierta. Se encontró que todos los restaurantes/cabañas localizados en la playa mencionada brindan servicios muy deficientes a sus visitantes, de tal forma que no hay una satisfacción a las exigencias de los usuarios.
Appears in Collections:HOTELERÍA Y TURISMO

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