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Título : El Alcohol y el Comportamiento Social de los Adolescentes en el cantón Manta, años 2023-2024.
Autor : Basurto Cornejo, Valentina Alejandra
Valencia Mosquera, Christy Yamilette
Palabras clave : ADOLESCENCIA
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Basurto Cornejo, V. A. y Valencia Mosquera, C. Y. (2024). El Alcohol y el Comportamiento Social de los Adolescentes en el cantón Manta, años 2023-2024. (Proyecto de investigación). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-TS;0099
Resumen : The main objective of the study titled "Alcohol and the Social Behavior of Adolescents in the Manta canton, years 2023-2024" is to analyze the impact of alcohol consumption on the social behavior of adolescents in that specific area during the aforementioned period. The study uses a methodology quantitative. Surveys were used to collect data, which were directed to a population of 240 young people. A representative sample was selected from this population. The results obtained indicated that the primary factors that affect alcohol consumption in adolescents are the influence of the group, the absence of parental supervision and the exploration of new experiences. Alcohol consumption in young people is influenced by various factors that have a significant impact on their propensity towards this practice. Frequently, young people turn to alcohol as a means to integrate into their social environment or to escape from problematic situations on both a personal and family level. The study revealed that alcohol consumption in adolescents has significant adverse consequences on their physical and mental health. These include the appearance of disorders such as depression and anxiety, as well as an increase in the manifestation of aggressive behaviors. The conclusions of the study highlight the importance of carrying out educational campaigns and intervention programs aimed at raising awareness among adolescents and their families about the dangers associated with alcohol consumption. As a fundamental strategy to prevent alcohol consumption, it is suggested to promote a healthy family environment and strengthen communication between parents and children.
Descripción : El objetivo principal del estudio titulado "El Alcohol y el Comportamiento Social de los Adolescentes en el cantón Manta, años 2023-2024" es analizar el impacto del consumo de alcohol en el comportamiento social de los adolescentes en esa área específica durante el periodo mencionado. El estudio utiliza una metodología cuantitativa. Se emplearon encuestas para la recopilación de datos, las cuales fueron dirigidas a una población de 240 jóvenes.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5503
Aparece en las colecciones: TRABAJO SOCIAL

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