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dc.contributor.authorCevallos Pilligua, Daniela Pierina-
dc.contributor.authorSánchez Pinargote, Jade Esleidy-
dc.identifier.citationCevallos Pilligua, D. P. y Sánchez Pinargote, J. E. (2024). La Intervención Social en la Violencia de Género a Personas GLBTIQ+ en el Cantón Manta, Año 2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente trabajo analiza la intervención social que es crucial para prevenir la violencia de género en personas LGBTIQ+ en el cantón Manta, debido a que facilita la interacción entre la comunidad LGBTIQ+ y distintos sectores de la sociedad, dado que, integra una organización entre ambas partes, esta da oportunidades a que esta comunidad sea aceptada y se reconozca sus derechos. Por ello, se desarrolló el presente estudio con el objetivó de identificar los factores que inciden en la violencia de género en personas LGBTIQ+ y el proceso de intervención del Trabajador Social en la ciudad de Manta, año 2024.es
dc.description.abstractThis work analyzes the social intervention that is crucial to prevent gender violence in LGBTIQ+ people in the Manta canton, because it facilitates the interaction between the LGBTIQ+ community and different sectors of society, given that it integrates an organization between both parties, this gives opportunities for this community to be accepted and its rights recognized. Therefore, this study was developed with the objective of identifying the factors that affect gender violence in LGBTIQ+ people and the intervention process of the Social Worker in the city of Manta, year 2024. The research developed was descriptive and explanatory, in addition to establishing quantitative, the survey was applied as a data collection technique to 61 inhabitants of the Leónidas Proaño parish. The main influences are the fear of discrimination and gender stereotypes, since LGBTQ+ people receive the most negative reactions from recruiters, especially when it comes to heterosexual men. They also earn less and are more likely to be harassed or treated unfairly at work. The obstacles these people face are loss of work hours, reduced productivity, inadequate investment in human capital, and inefficient deployment of human resources.es
dc.titleLa Intervención Social en la Violencia de Género a Personas GLBTIQ+ en el Cantón Manta, Año 2024.es
Aparece en las colecciones: TRABAJO SOCIAL

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