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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.contributor.authorGóngora Zambrano, Madeline Ximena-
dc.identifier.citationGóngora Zambrano, M. X. (2024). Teaching english as a foreign language application process. (TEFL). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEn el mundo actual, la adquisición del inglés como lengua extranjera se erige como un factor importante en todo el mundo, que teje hilos dispares de culturas, ideas y aspiraciones. Más allá de los rudimentos de gramática y vocabulario, el estudio del inglés se vuelve una odisea transformadora, que da forma al tejido mismo de las identidades de los individuos e influye en la valores colectivos de las sociedades. Mientras analizamos las implicaciones multifacéticas del inglés competencia, resulta evidente que su impacto no se limita al dominio lingüístico sino se extiende a los ámbitos de la cognición, la comprensión cultural y el ámbito socioeconómico. Dinámica de un globo interconectado.es
dc.description.abstractIn the currently world, the acquisition of English as a foreign language stands as an important factor around the globe, weaving together disparate threads of cultures, ideas, and aspirations. Beyond the rudiments of grammar and vocabulary, the study of English becomes a transformative odyssey, shaping the very fabric of individuals' identities and influencing the collective values of societíes. As we look into the multifaceted implications of English proficiency, it becomes evident that its impact is not confined to linguistic mastery but extends into the realms of cognition, cultural understanding, and the socio-economic dynamics of an interconnected globe. In the realm of public education, English emerges as both a gateway and a bridge. It serves as a gateway to a treasure trove of knowledge, literature, and academic discourse, transcending geographical boundaries. Students who master English gain access to a wealth of information, empowering them to engage with a global intellectual community. Moreover, English acts as a bridge, connecting learners from diverse linguistic backgrounds. In classrooms where languages converge, English facilitates communication, fostering an environment where students exchange ideas, collaborate on projects, and cultivate a rich tapestry ofperspectíves. The study ofEnglish, therefore, becomes not merely an academic pursuít but a transformative force that shapes students into global citizens equipped to navigate the complexities of our interconnected world. The implications ofEnglish proficiency ripple beyond the confines of educational institutions and find resonance in the professional area. In the globalized landscape of business and innovation, English serves as the universal language of commerce and collaboration. Proficiency in English enhances employability, providing individuals with a passport to participate in the global job market. Professionals proficient in English are adept at navigating diverse cultural nuances, fostering collaboration, and understanding in multicultural workplaces. English proficiency, therefore, becomes not just a professional skill but a key enabler of effective communication and collaboration in an increasingly diverse and interconnected professional landscape.es
dc.titleTeaching english as a foreign language application process.es
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