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dc.contributor.authorMenéndez Meza, Steven Darío-
dc.identifier.citationMenéndez Meza, S. D. (2024). Innovation of teaching methodology for improving English language skills: suggestopedia for teaching Reading & Writing. (Artículo). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEste estudio investiga una metodología de enseñanza innovadora que combina sugestopedia, recursos digitales y Grupos experimentales y de control para mejorar las habilidades de lectura y escritura en inglés. La metodología integra la relajación y técnicas de visualización de sugerenciapedia con atractivas herramientas digitales para crear un aprendizaje estimulante ambiente. Una prueba previa estableció una línea de base y el enfoque innovador se implementó durante varios años. semanas, con lecciones que integran sugerencias y recursos digitales como presentaciones multimedia y lectura en línea plataformas de escritura.es
dc.description.abstractThis study investigates an innovative teaching methodology that combines suggestopedia, digital resources, and experimental and control groups to improve reading-writing English skills. The methodology integrates relaxation and visualization techniques of suggestopedia with engaging digital tools to create a stimulating leaming environment. A pre-test established a baseline, and the innova ti ve approach was implemented over severa! weeks, with lessons integrating suggestopedia and digital resources like multimedia presentations and online reading-writing platforms. A post-test showed statistically significant improvements in students' writing performance. Focus group discussions revealed that students found the lessons engaging, confidence-boosting, and effective in enhancing their reading and writing abilities, particularly appreciating the relaxed atmosphere of suggestopedia and the interactive nature of the digital tools. Toe study demonstrates the potential of this innovative approach to enhance English writing skills and foster a positive leaming experience, warranting further research on its long-term effects and applications in diverse educational contexts.es
dc.subjectDIGITAL TOOLSes
dc.titleInnovation of teaching methodology for improving English language skills: suggestopedia for teaching Reading & Writing.es
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