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Título : El impacto económico de la venta de artesanías de barro en la población de la parroquia la pila del cantón Montecristi, 2020-2023.
Autor : Anchundia Pilozo, Jhosselyn Kasandra
Apolo Moreira, Ariana Lizbeth
Palabras clave : SECTOR ARTESANAL
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Anchundia Pilozo, J. K. y Apolo Moreira, A. L. (2024). El impacto económico de la venta de artesanías de barro en la población de la parroquia la pila del cantón Montecristi, 2020-2023. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ECO;0057
Resumen : There are several benefits of strengthening the handicraft sector and promoting the acquisition of clay crafts or any other type of handicrafts, supporting the artisan and producer of raw materials, keeping alive the traditions and territorial heritage, boosting the economy and favoring fair trade and popular-solidarity economy. This research analyzes the economic impact of the sale of clay handicrafts in the population of the parish of La Pila, Montecristi canton, 2020-2023. In this parish various handicrafts are produced, ranging from clay handicrafts, looms, straw hats, necklaces and bracelets, ceramics, etc. The research is descriptive in nature, using a mixed approach and research techniques such as the survey applied to artisans engaged in the production and marketing of clay handicrafts in the Parish of La Pila in the canton of Montecristi to have a comprehensive understanding of the problem. The main findings of the study revolve around certain limitations within the activity such as: lack of support, loss of traditions, lack of financial resources, lack of financial education, among others. In addition, the production and marketing of clay handicrafts is not a very profitable economic activity, so some artisans engage in additional activities to earn more income. Finally, the lack of associativity and cooperation in the sector prevents it from being more representative, from formalizing its economic activity, and from growing and developing.
Descripción : Son varias los beneficios de fortalecer el sector artesanal y fomentar la adquisición de artesanías de barro o de cualquier tipo, se apoya al artesano y productor de materia prima, se mantienen vivas las tradiciones y patrimonio territorial, se dinamiza la economía y se favorece al comercio justo y economía popular-solidaria. La presente investigación analiza el impacto económico de la venta de artesanías de barro en la población de la parroquia La Pila del cantón Montecristi, 2020-2023.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5564
Aparece en las colecciones: ECONOMÍA

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