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Título : El comercio justo y su relación con actividades de pesca de la parroquia San Lorenzo del cantón manta.
Autor : Mero Delgado, Jenifer Jamileth
Rivera Montalván, Melissa Teiriz
Palabras clave : COMERCIO
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Mero Delgado, J. J. y Rivera Montalván, M. T. (2024). El comercio justo y su relación con actividades de pesca de la parroquia San Lorenzo del cantón manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ECO;0060
Resumen : The topic of this degree work is fair trade and its relationship in the fishing activity in the San Lorenzo parish of the Manta canton, for which it was proposed The general objective is to investigate how fair trade and the activities fisheries of the San Lorenzo parish, with the following specific objectives, evaluate the current situation in the fishing activities of the San Lorenzo parish, analyze the role of fair trade in improving the working and social conditions of local fishermen, Examine the perception and participation of the actors involved in fair trade in artisanal fishermen In the theoretical framework we develop the fundamental concepts for the research in which a brief summary of the history of fair trade and the 10 principles is made fundamentals of fair trade, also concepts about artisanal fishing in Ecuador, Manabí, Manta and finally the current situation of the San Lorenzo parish regarding its fishing activity. The methodology used is focuses on several approaches: deductive reasoning to investigate fair trade in the fishing parish. The analysis-synthesis method involves breaking down and examining in detail the key elements related to fishing and fair trade, the Techniques used are interviews and surveys and the instruments used were the notebook and the questionnaire with the help of these instruments we obtained what They are the conclusions and recommendations necessary for our topic. In summary, our topic is derived from the institutional research project of ULEAM, model for training skills associated with the fair trade system for sustainable economic development in artisanal fishermen in the rural area of ​​the Manta canton.
Descripción : El presente trabajo de titulación tiene como tema el comercio justo y su relación en la actividad pesquera en la parroquia San lorenzo del cantón Manta, para lo cual se propuso como objetivo general indagar como se relaciona el comercio justo y las actividades pesqueras de la parroquia San Lorenzo, con los siguientes objetivos especifico evaluar la situación actual en las actividades pesqueras de la parroquia San Lorenzo, analizar el papel del comercio justo en la mejora de las condiciones laborales y sociales de los pescadores locales, Examinar la percepción y participación de los actores involucrados en el comercio justo en los pescadores artesanales.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5567
Aparece en las colecciones: ECONOMÍA

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