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Título : El archivo físico-digital como recurso gerencial en la gestión de los proyectos sociales del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado del Cantón Jaramijó – 2022.
Autor : Mero López, Tanya Gabriela
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Mero López, T. G. (2024). El archivo físico-digital como recurso gerencial en la gestión de los proyectos sociales del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado del Cantón Jaramijó – 2022. (Estudio de Caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-GIG;036
Resumen : The digital transformation process has gone from being a technological opportunity to a pure and essential need, this is because organizations work with numerous quantities of documents that require efficient information management. Currently there are many institutions that continue to use documentation exclusively physically, occupying considerable amounts of spaces and resources that They will increase daily as they carry out their activities and functions. For all organizations, it is vitally important to protect their valuable files (assets and liabilities), which rest in physical spaces, documents that can be lost, damage, etc. However, it is essential to have a digital file that provides considerable advantages in relation to the physical archive. Not only because it reduces the use of physical spaces, rather you can have efficient information that allows greater agility in all processes executed. Document Management Systems represent a valuable help for companies when seeking to improve your processes, optimize the use of time and resources. The Technologies of Information and Communication (ICT) are presented as key tools to achieve organizational objectives, transforming secretarial and administrative tasks enabling significant changes in the way companies operate and manage their resources efficiently. These ICT reduce costs and times, facilitating tasks business (Posso Malquin, 2016).
Descripción : El proceso de transformación digital, ha pasado de ser una oportunidad tecnológica, a una necesidad pura e imprescindible, esto se debe a que las organizaciones trabajan con numerosas cantidades de documentos que necesitan de una eficiente gestión de información. En la actualidad existen muchas instituciones que siguen utilizando la documentación de forma exclusiva en físico, ocupando considerables cantidades de espacios y recursos que aumentarán de forma diaria conforme ejecutan sus actividades y funciones.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5602
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