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Título : Diagnóstico del proceso de pago del departamento financiero de la empresa pública de producción y desarrollo estratégico de la ULEAM, 2023.
Autor : Villafuerte Bravo, Alisson Ivanova
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Villafuerte Bravo, A. I. (2024). Diagnóstico del proceso de pago del departamento financiero de la empresa pública de producción y desarrollo estratégico de la ULEAM, 2023. (Estudio de Caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-GIG;060
Resumen : This research work focuses on the diagnosis of the payment process of the Financial Department of the Public Company and Strategic Development of the ULEAM, this This topic is important, given that the payment process is an essential part of the financial management of any organization, directly influencing its operation and the relationship with suppliers and employees, efficiency in this process not only ensures compliance with financial obligations, but also contributes to the sustainability and reputation of the company. The interest in carrying out this research is based on the identification of inefficiencies and recurring issues in the current payment process that may affect the effectiveness of the financial department, by identifying these problems we seek not only to improve management internally, but also optimize the use of resources and guarantee greater satisfaction among employees. who are involved in the process. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the payment process, with the objective of formulating recommendations that allow its optimization; the specific objectives include the “conceptual definition of the diagnostic variables and payment process in a system of information”, “characterize the components of the information system of the process of and payment” and present a “proposal to improve the payment process of the financial department.” Regarding the methodology, a qualitative approach will be adopted that will combine the direct observation and semi-structured interviews with department staff financial and the review of relevant documentation, this methodology will allow obtaining a Deep understanding of the payment process.
Descripción : El presente trabajo de investigación se enfoca en el diagnóstico del proceso de pago del Departamento Financiero de la Empres Publica y Desarrollo Estratégico de la ULEAM, este tema es importante, dado que el proceso de pago es una parte esencial en la gestión financiera de cualquier organización, influyendo directamente en su operatividad y en la relación con proveedores y empleados, la eficiencia en este proceso no solo asegura el cumplimiento de obligaciones financieras, sino que también contribuye a la sostenibilidad y reputación de la empresa.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5626
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