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dc.contributor.authorCabezas Muñoz, Angie Jailene-
dc.identifier.citationCabezas Muñoz, A. J. (2024). NEARSHORING, oportunidad de desarrollo en ecuador: caso Mabe. (Estudio de Caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEste análisis se enfoca en la implementación del nearshoring por parte de la empresa Mabe en Ecuador, examinando tanto los beneficios como los desafíos asociados con esta estrategia. Mabe, líder en electrodomésticos en América Latina, ha optado por externalizar procesos de negocio en empresas cercanas geográficamente, en lugar de recurrir a países distantes.es
dc.description.abstractThis analysis focuses on the implementation of nearshoring by the Mabe company in Ecuador, examining both the benefits and the challenges associated with this strategy. Mabe, a leader in household appliances in Latin America, has chosen to outsource business processes to geographically close companies, instead of resorting to distant countries. The literature review and bibliographic research will reveal the details of this implementation, providing a deep understanding of the process and highlighting the lessons learned. It seeks to identify the best practices for the management of nearshoring in a leader of the sector, thus contributing to knowledge in the area and guiding other companies that consider implementing this strategy in the future. Mabe, a leader in household appliances in Latin America, has chosen to outsource business processes to geographically close companies, instead of resorting to distant countries. The literature review and bibliographic research will reveal the details of this implementation, providing a deep understanding of the process and highlighting the lessons learned. It seeks to identify the best practices for the management of nearshoring in a leader of the sector, thus contributing to knowledge in the area and guiding other companies that consider implementing this strategy in the future. Mabe's experience in Ecuador serves as a relevant case study in the global context of business strategy and adaptability.es
dc.subjectEMPRESA B2Bes
dc.titleNEARSHORING, oportunidad de desarrollo en ecuador: caso Mabe.es
Aparece en las colecciones: COMERCIO EXTERIOR

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