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Título : lntervención de enfermería en el autocuidado de pacientes con pie diabético.
Autor : Briones Espinoza, Glenda Nicole
Palabras clave : DIABETES MELLITUS
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Briones Espinoza, G. N. (2024). lntervención de enfermería en el autocuidado de pacientes con pie diabético. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ENF;0107
Resumen : Diobeles Melfüus is a scrious problem that represems a high cost in public heahh. it is a chronic-degencrarive díscose íhat uffccts upproximmely 250 million pcople in thc world, so it is necessary to irnervene in nursing in the self-care of patieuts with diabetic fóót. since tbese de lay and decrcase the probabifüy of developlng compllcatlcns m the íeel of disbedc parients. Thi.S rescnrch aims to dcvelop an educaricnal guide wilh timely infcrmation lhtH conrributes to improving the level of self-care in paüenrs with diabetíc foot, based on the analysls based onthe exi:ning sciemilic lucnuurc. Scicmific methods are applied based on a systcm.-itic bibliographic review of a11 analyucal-symheuc lnduclive-deduclive cross-secuonaí nature. as suppon far the íulfillment of thc objccti ve prcposed in rbe study. The resuhs make a diagnosis of rhe current sltuation thut revcals thút the &uadorian tnstlnuc of Social Sccurity ([ESS) in Manta rreats bctween 30 and 40 patients with diaberic f 001 d::.ily, this dala indica tes a high n'lte of pcoplc living with thi,; p:uhology. ln additioo, vurious bibllographic sources indicate th:ll thccornpliceücns associated whh diabetic fool are usualty dueto a low level of koowledge of self care by parients about 1heir disease and the neeessary care. this lack of' knowledge has led in some cases lo the nmputation of lower Limbs and death, Among the conclusions oí the study. the need ro implement programs with straregies for prevention. cducauon. monitcring and treatment of coruplicauons stands ouL i1 is ímperauve lO reduce the incidence or injuries uud ampuunions in the feet of diabetic patiems.
Descripción : La Diabetes Mellitus es un problema grave que representa alto costo en la salud publica, constituye una enfermedad crónico-degenerativa que afecta a aproximadamente 250 millones de personas en el mundo. por lo que resulta necesaria la intervención de enfermería en el autocuidado de pacientes con pie diabético ya que, estas retrasan y disminuyen Ia probabilidad de desarrollar complicaciones en tos pies de los pacientes diabéticos.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5808
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