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Título : El enfermero y su capacidad para manejar sus emociones ante la muerte de un paciente.
Autor : Rivera Molina, Isaac Andrés
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Rivera Molina, I. A. (2024). El enfermero y su capacidad para manejar sus emociones ante la muerte de un paciente. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ENF;0150
Resumen : The purpose of this research is to present the experiences, experiences and emotions that the Nurse presents when the patient dies. It is understood as a person not alive, to the permanent disappearance of all vital functions of the body. Currently, nursing professionals, in the course of their lives, are the ones who The more they experience painful situations when faced with the death of a patient, in one way or another the The nurse assists, supports and accompanies the individual at all times, for this reason it is believed that they are the most prepared to face death. On the other hand, the Nurse is determined as a person with theoretical knowledge and practical skills to intelligently observe patients and their environment, and influence decisions improvements in their living conditions. The work of the Nurse goes beyond the technical and also concentrates on the human, the emotions, feelings that must be presented, it is essential to be trained to face the death, and help other people overcome theirs. How much the Nurse lives the process of dying according to what the patient feels, who witness the pain and suffering of other people who are grieving and in turn, They experience the pain of loss.
Descripción : La presente investigación tiene como finalidad dar a conocer las experiencias, vivencias y emociones que presenta el Enfermero ante la muerte del paciente. Se entiende como persona no viva, a la desaparición permanente de todas las funciones vitales del cuerpo.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5851
Aparece en las colecciones: TESIS DE ENFERMERÍA

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