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dc.contributor.authorBaque Bravo, María Irene-
dc.contributor.authorChávez Calderón, Irina Mabell-
dc.identifier.citationBaque Bravo, M. I. y Chávez Calderón, I. M. (2024). Terapia ocupacional en la motricidad del adulto mayor con Parkinson. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa enfermedad de Parkinson aumenta y presenta desafíos significativos, afectando el movimiento y la función mental de las personas. Esta condición genera dificultades en la motricidad que impactan en la vida diaria de los pacientes, por lo tanto, se requiere un enfoque integral en el tratamiento, donde la terapia ocupacional es crucial.es
dc.description.abstractParkinson's disease increases and presents significant challenges, affecting people's movement and mental function. This condition generates motor difficulties that impact the daily life of patients, therefore a comprehensive approach to treatment is required, where occupational therapy is crucial. The objective of this research is "To describe the importance of occupational therapy in Parkinson's disease within the geriatric setting." Through a systematic review in Google Scholar, Scielo, Dialnet, magazines and books, the importance of occupational therapy in the comprehensive treatment of older adults with Parkinson's is highlighted. The intervention of occupational therapists helps maintain motor skills and improve the quality of life of these patients, avoiding progressive deterioration. The conclusions indicate that non-pharmacological interventions, such as occupational therapy, cognitive therapy and regular physical exercise, are essential to improve motor skills in older adults. These integrated and personalized approaches not only optimize motor function, but also promote overall well-being and quality of life. This underlines the importance of a comprehensive approach to the health care of older adults, addressing both physical, emotional and cognitive needs for healthy and active aging. The intervention of the occupational therapist is essential to improve or maintain functionality in various occupational areas and to provide emotional support and education to caregivers about the disease, intervention processes and coping strategies.es
dc.subjectCALIDAD DE VIDAes
dc.titleTerapia ocupacional en la motricidad del adulto mayor con Parkinson.es
Aparece en las colecciones: TERAPIA OCUPACIONAL

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