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Título : Uso de la irrigación activada por láser como coadyuvante en la desinfección endodóntica.
Autor : Agila Loor, Sabina Belén
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Agila Loor, S. B. (2024). Uso de la irrigación activada por láser como coadyuvante en la desinfección endodóntica. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ODON;0101
Resumen : The aim of this study is to analyze the laser-activated irrigation (LAI) technique as a coadjuvant for the diffusion of irrigating substances inside the root canal system during endodontic disinfection, in order to explain the operation and application of the technique, compare its effectiveness with that of the conventional mechanical instrumentation technique and explore the advantages and disadvantages it offers. Therefore, a systematic review with a descriptive approach was carried out by searching for articles in the following databases: National Institutes of Health (NIH), PubMed, ScienceDirect, SciELO, Google Scholar, Epistemonikos and Scopus. As part of the research, the searches were verified in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) page. Eleven articles corresponding to preclinical studies between the period of 2018-2023 were selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The result was that LAI, by producing vapor bubbles due to the increase in temperature of the irrigant, allows the collision against the walls of the root canals, increasing the bactericidal capacity of the substance. For this reason, it is capable of eliminating even E. faecalis biofilms, it is also biocompatible with the substances used, requires a smaller amount of irrigant and is minimally invasive. Nevertheless, the LAI technique is still presented as a therapeutic complement that requires its application in clinical trials.
Descripción : El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la técnica de irrigación activada por láser (LAI) como coadyuvante para la difusión de las sustancias irrigantes en el interior del sistema de conductos radiculares durante la desinfección endodóntica, para ello se busca explicar el funcionamiento y aplicación de la técnica, comparar su efectividad con la de la técnica convencional de instrumentación mecánica y explorar las ventajas y desventajas que ofrece.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5893
Aparece en las colecciones: ODONTOLOGÍA

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