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dc.contributor.authorBazurto Basurto, Janella Coraima-
dc.contributor.authorChicaiza Zamora, Melanie Lisbeth-
dc.identifier.citationBazurto Basurto, J. C. y Chicaiza Zamora, M. L. (2024). Estudio de las enfermedades profesionales del sector pesquero, Manta, 2021-2022: análisis socio jurídico. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl sector pesquero de Manta, en la provincia de Manabí, Ecuador, es crucial para la economía local, pero enfrenta serios problemas de salud ocupacional. Entre 2021 y 2022, se observó un aumento alarmante en las enfermedades profesionales entre los trabajadores pesqueros.es
dc.description.abstractThe fishing sector of Manta, in the province of Manabí, Ecuador, is crucial for the local economy, but faces serious occupational health problems. Between 2021 and 2022, an alarming increase in occupational diseases was observed among fishing workers. These pathologies arise from exposure to occupational risks such as contact with toxic chemicals, adverse environmental conditions, physically demanding work, long hours, and traumatic injuries. The lack of adequate protective equipment and limited awareness of occupational hazards contribute to the prevalence of these diseases. This study aims primarily to analyze from a socio-legal perspective the occupational diseases in the fishing sector of Manta during this period. Working conditions, occupational risk factors, and the effectiveness of current labor legislation will be addressed. In addition, prevention and health promotion practices will be evaluated to determine their effectiveness in reducing these problems. The project aims not only to identify regulatory deficiencies and lack of training in the fishing sector, but also to offer recommendations to improve worker protection. In this way, it is hoped to contribute to the creation of policies and strategies that reduce the prevalence of occupational diseases, strengthen occupational safety and promote a healthier and more sustainable fishing sector, benefiting both workers and the community at large.es
dc.titleEstudio de las enfermedades profesionales del sector pesquero, Manta, 2021-2022: análisis socio jurídico.es
Aparece en las colecciones: DERECHO

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