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Título : Diagnóstico del Clima Laboral del Área de Atención al Cliente del IESS “Los Esteros” de la Ciudad de Manta, 2021.
Autor : Cajape Robles, Konny Jamilex
Palabras clave : CLIMA LABORAL
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Citación : Cajape Robles, K. J. (2022). Diagnóstico del Clima Laboral del Área de Atención al Cliente del IESS “Los Esteros” de la Ciudad de Manta, 2021. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ADM;0255
Resumen : The objective of this titling work was to determine the way in which the work environment of the customer service area of the IESS "Los Esteros" in the city of Manta develops and its influence on the care provided to its users. In the study of this work, the methodology belonging to field research was applied, and in the type of research, it was used; the qualitative, quantitative and exploratory, in order to obtain all the possible information. Regarding the population, it was constituted by the workers of the area and the users who daily attend this institution, in which a total of 72,000 users were taken as a sample in the year. The same survey technique was used that was aimed at users, surveying 73 people and the interview technique aimed at workers in the area. Through the results obtained, through the survey and the applied interview, it was detected that, by not receiving motivation and personal training in a certain time, and not giving good attention to users, it produces that there is no environment and a pleasant work environment, for which strategies were proposed to solve these problems.
Descripción : El presente trabajo de titulación tuvo como objetivo determinar la manera en la que se desarrolla el clima laboral del área de atención al cliente del IESS “Los Esteros” de la ciudad de manta y su influencia en la atención brindada a sus usuarios.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5953
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