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Título : Plan estratégico para potenciar el desempeño laboral del personal de la Distribuidora Pepe del Cantón Chone.
Autor : Cedeño Vélez, Gema Mariela
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Citación : Cedeño Vélez, G. M. (2022). Plan estratégico para potenciar el desempeño laboral del personal de la Distribuidora Pepe del Cantón Chone. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ADM;0260
Resumen : The research developed focused on defining how planning influences strategic within the PEPE Distributor, the objective was to design a plan strategic to enhance the work performance of the Distributor's staff Pepe from the Chone Canton.; This project was carried out in the month of April until the month July of this year. This research was of an application type because it seeks knowledge in order to immediately apply it to reality, that is, presents solutions to practical problems. The PEPE distributor must motivate all its collaborators so that the development of their functions and activities is execute them on the basis of strategic planning. To obtain results were used as data collection techniques the survey that was applied to the employees and an interview that was conducted with the Manager, regarding From the results it was determined that the Distributor does not have any type of strategic planning, therefore it was concluded that the PEPE distributor must motivate its officials so that the development of their functions and activities is execute them on the basis of strategic planning and it was suggested that the its implementation is of a motivational nature. Therefore, it will help that the employees of the PEPE distributor improve their performance, achieving optimize the functioning of the institution and the skills of the human capital that the distributor owns.
Descripción : La investigación desarrollada se enfocó en definir cómo influye la planificación estratégica dentro de la Distribuidora PEPE, tuvo como objetivo diseñar un plan estratégico para potenciar el desempeño laboral del personal de la Distribuidora Pepe del Cantón Chone.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5958
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