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Título : Plan de negocio para la crianza, compra y venta de ganado a ubicarse en el cantón Shushufindi en el período 2022-2023.
Autor : Fallú Loor, Jennifer Yesenia
Palabras clave : NEGOCIO
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Citación : Fallú Loor, J. Y. (2022). Plan de negocio para la crianza, compra y venta de ganado a ubicarse en el cantón Shushufindi en el período 2022-2023. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ADM;0272
Resumen : The present titling work consists of the formulation of a Business Plan for the raising, purchase and sale of cattle to be located in the Shushufindi canton in the period 2022-2023. The location of the research is due to the livestock characteristics of the region, the province and the climate conditions, pastures and existing natural resources, which guarantees the breeding of livestock with acceptable sales and purchase rates. The development of the document integrates ten chapters where the contributions made by the researcher are displayed based on data from other documents obtained. The methodology used was quantitative and a survey consisting of a total of ten closed questions where the response of the respondent is limited was used as a measurement instrument. In the technical study you can see certain processes to follow once the plan has been implemented, in addition, the work area and the machines, equipment, tools and suppliers necessary for the correct development of the functions are designed. The operational study defines the necessary human resources and their distribution of tasks so that the designated tasks function correctly. The legal part indicates the requirements for the start-up without complications of legality in the future. Finally, the economic study details the real values that are needed, such as the investment and the projection of certain states, and each data is financially evaluated in order to determine the feasibility of implementing this business plan in a given period.
Descripción : El presente trabajo de titulación consiste en la formulación de un Plan de negocios para la crianza, compra y venta de ganado a ubicarse en el cantón Shushufindi en el período 2022-2023. La localización de la investigación obedece a las características ganaderas de la región, la provincia y las condiciones de clima, pastos y recursos naturales existentes lo cual garantiza la cría del ganado con índices aceptables de venta y compra.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5974
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