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Título : Plan de mejoramiento de la calidad de servicio, (covid19) de la discoteca Toni- K del sector San Mateo cantón Manta Provincia Manabí.
Autor : Flores Lucas, Betsy Jahaira
Palabras clave : CALIDAD
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Citación : Flores Lucas, F. L. (2022). Plan de mejoramiento de la calidad de servicio, (covid19) de la discoteca Toni- K del sector San Mateo cantón Manta Provincia Manabí. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ADM;0274
Resumen : The plan to improve the quality of service (covid19) in the Toni-K nightclub located in the San Mateo sector of the Manta canton in the province of Manabí, has the objective of knowing the qualities that will determine the satisfaction of the needs of users , whose understanding was transformed in a favorable way to guide its processes towards an improvement for the entity in the face of the covid-19 situation and thus obtain fundamental results that lead to the achievement of the great goals; The structural research is descriptive in nature, where the essential methods used were observational, survey, and documentary review, for which the Likert method was implemented where the questions asked of the clientele of the Toni-K nightclub correspond to the five dimensions related to the quality of service and that are based on reliability, empathy, tangible elements, response capacity, and reliability. It is worth mentioning that with the information that has been developed, it has been possible to determine the situational status of the Toni-K nightclub as the object of investigation, from which guidelines for an action plan were formulated for each dimension analyzed aimed at improving quality. of the service and the processes that support it, in such a way that the entity would have a continuous improvement in the quality of its services, always complying periodically with biosafety measures. In conclusion, strategies are shown to improve the quality of services of the Toni-K nightclub, revealing how fundamentally important the quality of services is, biosecurity towards customers demanding their products and services for decision making.
Descripción : El plan de mejoramiento de la calidad de servicio (covid19) en la discoteca Toni-K ubicada en el sector San Mateo del cantón Manta de la provincia de Manabí, tiene el objetivo de conocer las cualidades que determino la satisfacción de las necesidades de los usuarios , cuyo entendimiento se transformó de manera propicia para orientar sus procesos hacia una mejoría para la entidad ante la situación del covid19 y así obtener resultados fundamentales que conlleven al logro de las grandes metas.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5977
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