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dc.contributor.authorFigueroa Arteaga, Jordan Erwin-
dc.contributor.authorMolina Reyes, Justin Joel-
dc.identifier.citationFigueroa Arteaga, J. E. y Molina Reyes, J. J. (2024). Inclusion and integration: support teachers in english learning clas srooms. (Artículo Científico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionArticulation of government policies, practices, and inclusive culture are factors required to access education for all people q3ooth & Ainscow, 2001). In the context of Ecuador, Bravo et al. (2022) establish that for the severity of disability factor, there is a significant statistical difference in self-esteem, somatization, and anxiety. Therefore, students with severe disabilities showed significantly higher self- esteem. In addition, students with mild disabilities reported higher somatization and anxiety scores compared to those with moderate and severe levels. Thus, students with severe specific needs require the presence of SES teachers to achieve school ot)jectives.es
dc.description.abstractStudents with specific educational needs (SEN) require the perriiranent sxpport Of professionals to improve the_ir school achievements. This study aims to identify teacling strengths cnd weaknesses in a group Of Special Education Support (SES) Teachers in the subject English as a Foreigl'a Language (EFL) in the context Of province pranabi, Ecuador. The study subscribes to the interpretive and social-critical paradigms and the mixed approach Of tpe sfientific research. The participants are 26 people. 4 SES teachers, 4 SEN students, and 18 university students of the Special Education Progrc[m in an Ecuadorian public university. The instruments used are survey, interview guide, and coptextual observation. The results show that Special Education Support Teachers contribttte effectively to strengthening inclusive education. Their main fiunctions are:(1 ) to support students with SEN in everyday classroom rutines, (2) to monitor the stedent's school adrance, (3) to coordinate the communication flow between families and sfhopls, and_ (4) to regulate students' enotional and behavioral responses. It concludes that a lack Of specific training f or foreign language instruction persists, a situation that limits their ef f iicient work in the subject.es
dc.titleInclusion and integration: support teachers in english learning clas srooms.es
Aparece en las colecciones: IDIOMAS NACIONALES Y EXTRANJEROS

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