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dc.contributor.authorPalacios Lastra, Darlyn Scarleth-
dc.identifier.citationPalacios Lastra, D. S. (2024). Los patrones de crianza y su influencia en el consumo de alcohol de los estudiantes, de la Uleam, año 2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa investigación titulada "Los Patrones de Crianza y su Influencia en el Consumo de Alcohol de los Estudiantes de la Uleam, Año 2024" examina la normalización del consumo de alcohol entre jóvenes universitarios, donde las bebidas alcohólicas son casi obligatorias en reuniones sociales. Mediante un enfoque cuantitativo y un diseño correlacional, se aplicaron encuestas a estudiantes para evaluar la relación entre patrones de crianza y consumo de alcohol.es
dc.description.abstractThe research entitled "Parenting Patterns and Their Influence on Alcohol Consumption of Uleam Students, Year 2024" examines the normalization of alcohol consumption among university students, where alcoholic beverages are almost obligatory in social gatherings. Using a quantitative approach and a correlational design, surveys were applied to students to assess the relationship between parenting patterns and alcohol consumption. The results reveal that more than 50% of respondents come from family environments with authoritarian and authoritative parenting styles, and 69% consume alcohol due to family problems. The research highlights that parenting styles, especially neglectful and authoritative, are associated with higher alcohol consumption in adolescents. Factors such as family problems and social pressure were identified as influencing alcohol consumption, which underlines the need to understand these dynamics in order to propose intervention and prevention strategies. Finally, the research concludes that parenting patterns have a significant impact on alcohol consumption behavior among students, suggesting that addressing these factors can contribute to reducing alcohol consumption and improving the well-being of the student community. The implementation of parenting and alcohol awareness programs is recommended to foster a healthier environment at the university.es
dc.titleLos patrones de crianza y su influencia en el consumo de alcohol de los estudiantes, de la Uleam, año 2024.es
Aparece en las colecciones: TRABAJO SOCIAL

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