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dc.contributor.authorReyes Barcia, Anggie Michelle-
dc.identifier.citationReyes Barcia, A. M. (2024). Factores laborales y las relaciones interpersonales de los empleados de la empresa Indumaster de la ciudad de Montecristi, año 2024. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa presente investigación trata sobre temas referentes a los factores laborales y relaciones interpersonales, ambas variables son centrado desde la perspectiva de los colaboradores de la Empresa Indumaster S.A. ubicada en el Cantón Montecristi durante el año 2024. Se realizó desde un enfoque cualitativo, aplicando técnicas como la entrevista a los informantes claves que fueron la jefa encargada del departamento de Talento Humano; la técnica del Área de Seguridad, Salud Ocupacional y Gestión Ambiental; personal de otras áreas; además, la observación en las áreas administración y producción de la empresa.es
dc.description.abstractThis research deals with issues related to labor factors and interpersonal relationships, both variables are focused from the perspective of the employees of the Indumaster S.A. Company located in the Montecristi Canton during the year 2024. It was carried out from a qualitative approach, applying techniques such as interviewing key informants who were the boss in charge of the Human Talent department; the technician from the Area of Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Management; personnel from other areas; in addition, observation in the administration and production areas of the company. The information collected through the observation sheets and the interview guide questionnaire allowed us to identify strengths and areas for improvement from a comprehensive perspective. Furthermore, this study is supported from a phenomenological point of view and interpreted from the analytical method, the combination of both approaches provides an understanding of the problem facilitating the development of recommendations to improve well-being and productivity in the company. With the results obtained in the research, the fundamental purpose of discovering and understanding the worker's environment is addressed; in this way, it is made known that despite the positive aspects in the work environment of the Indumaster company, the identified weaknesses must be addressed, through the implementation of strategies that enhance the well-being and productivity of employees.es
dc.titleFactores laborales y las relaciones interpersonales de los empleados de la empresa Indumaster de la ciudad de Montecristi, año 2024.es
Aparece en las colecciones: TRABAJO SOCIAL

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