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dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Moreira, Alan David-
dc.identifier.citationRodríguez Moreira, A. D. (2024). Presión social en el consumo de cigarrillo electrónico en los estudiantes de la Uleam, año 2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionConsumir cigarrillo electrónico es un fenómeno reciente creado, fomentado y comercializado bajo el concepto de que es eficaz para combatir o reducir sin ningún tipo de riesgo y eliminar la adicción del tabaquismo, sin embargo, en la actualidad se ha comprobado que es perjudicial para la salud, provocando riesgos o consecuencias irreversibles en la vida del consumidor.es
dc.description.abstractThe consumption of electronic cigarettes is a recent phenomenon founded and created considering some characteristics of the common cigarette or tobacco to apparently reduce the use of the latter, marketing it under the concept that it is effective to combat, mitigate without any risk and eliminate the addiction of smoking, however, it has currently been proven that it is also harmful to health, causing irreversible risks or consequences in the life of those who consume it. For this reason, this research topic is presented, whose main objective is to determine the impact of social pressure on the consumption of electronic cigarettes in Uleam students in the year 2024, through the mixed methodology with qualitative and quantitative approaches, this allowed to analyze the research phenomenon with greater precision and efficiency in a critical and deep way; to obtain the data or results, several techniques were used several significant techniques required in studies such as these, one of them is the interview, which were applied in conjunction with the survey of multiple-choice and single-choice questions in order to organize and systematize the perceptions and criteria in relation to the experiences obtained. The vast majority of the surveyed student population maintains that social pressure has a high impact on social interactions in relation to decision-making to consume electronic cigarettes or avoid them, students consider it to be a prominent, important, risky, difficult to avoid factor and the primary cause why many young people are currently being influenced by others to choose to use electronic cigarettes; the management and teaching staff interviewed maintain a position against the use of electronic cigarettes in young students and in the general population.es
dc.subjectPRESIÓN SOCIALes
dc.titlePresión social en el consumo de cigarrillo electrónico en los estudiantes de la Uleam, año 2024.es
Aparece en las colecciones: TRABAJO SOCIAL

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