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Título : Proyecto de inversión para la creación de una caja de ahorro en la parroquia Convento del cantón Chone, provincia de Manabí.
Autor : Zambrano Zambrano, Jimmy Jesús
Palabras clave : CAJA DE AHORRO
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Zambrano Zambrano, J. J. (2024). Proyecto de inversión para la creación de una caja de ahorro en la parroquia Convento del cantón Chone, provincia de Manabí. (Tesis). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ECO;0107
Resumen : This project aims to create a small savings bank in Ecuador, in order to provide access to affordable and safe financial services for members. Through this initiative, we seek to promote financial education and responsible savings in an active community of 550 members. The savings bank will be focused on offering credit, savings and financial advisory services to its members, with an initial capital of $24,750, intended to cover both loans and compliance with the legal reserve. Clear resource management policies will be established, and a project and risk evaluation system will be implemented to ensure profitability and legal compliance. The goal is to increase the number of members in the first year, with a gradual increase in the savings base. We also aim to have sustainable profitability from the second year, with positive margins in the income generated by loans. In addition, we will monitor entrepreneurship and provide ongoing financial education through workshops and information materials for members. In conclusion, it was determined that the investment project to create a savings bank in the Convento parish is financially viable in most of its aspects. It was also concluded that many have incomes and salaries that allow them to save monthly to improve their finances, who will save $45 in the first month of each year and $15 in the remaining 11 months. Although the project will generate enough income to cover operational costs, it will need additional resources during the first three years to cover these costs. It is recommended that the financial institution benefit from a long-term loan from new shareholders to cover cash flow costs and achieve financial solvency. In addition, it is suggested to establish strategic alliances with other savings banks and cooperatives to obtain more resources, promote financial education and increase income from loans. It is also proposed to collaborate with public authorities to create awareness campaigns on financial education, improve operational efficiency by reducing unnecessary costs and diversify credit products, focused on merchants, ranchers and farmers.
Descripción : Este proyecto tiene como objetivo la creación de una caja de ahorro pequeña en Ecuador, con el fin de brindar acceso a servicios financieros accesibles y seguros para los socios. A través de esta iniciativa, buscamos promover la educación financiera y el ahorro responsable en una comunidad activa de 550 socios. La caja de ahorro estará enfocada en ofrecer servicios de crédito, ahorro y asesoría financiera a sus socios, con un capital inicial de $24.750, destinado a cubrir tanto los créditos como el cumplimiento del encaje legal. Se busca el crecimiento del número de socios en el primer año del 10%, con un aumento gradual de la base de ahorros.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6252
Aparece en las colecciones: ECONOMÍA

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