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dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Arcentales, Micaela Margarita-
dc.identifier.citationRodríguez Arcentales, M. M. (2024). Análisis jurídico social del seguro de desempleo en Ecuador. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEn Ecuador el tema del desempleo es una problemática que ha existido hace muchos años, es por ello que se creó el seguro de desempleo, el cual es un programa del sistema de protección social para proteger a los desempleados durante los períodos de caída de ingresos, siendo una herramienta a la que pueden acceder los trabajadores afiliados al IESS.es
dc.description.abstractIn Ecuador, the issue of unemployment is a problem that has existed for many years, which is why unemployment insurance was created, which is a program of the social protection system to protect the unemployed during periods of falling income. being a tool that workers affiliated with the IESS can access. This insurance has benefited many workers, but it must be highlighted that in order to access said benefit, certain requirements must be met, among them is “having been unemployed for 60 days”, a provision that violates constitutional rights. and in turn harms the well-being of the worker, leading to its main function of “providing financial stability” not being fulfilled. In the present investigation, the Social Legal Analysis of Unemployment Insurance in Ecuador will be disclosed, through a study where the general objective was established to propose the Reform in the Social Security Law so that the time of being unemployed is 7 days, it is thus that with a quantitative, qualitative, theoretical and descriptive methodology and with the application of descriptive, deductive-inductive, bibliographic and hermeneutical methods, favorable results are intended for the implementation of the aforementioned reform.es
dc.titleAnálisis jurídico social del seguro de desempleo en Ecuador.es
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