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Título : Estudio comparativo del teletrabajo y el trabajo presencial en el Ministerio de Trabajo delegación Manta durante el confinamiento.
Autor : Briones Quimis, Guillermo Fernando
Palabras clave : TELETRABAJO
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Briones Quimis, G. F. (2024). Estudio comparativo del teletrabajo y el trabajo presencial en el Ministerio de Trabajo delegación Manta durante el confinamiento. (Artículo Científico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-DER;0096
Resumen : The research originated from the issue related to telework and user service at the Ministry of Labor in the Manta delegation during the COVID-19 lockdown. The main objective is to determine how telework affects user service and the efficiency of administrative processes for employees working in a hybrid modality at this institution. This study is exploratory and explanatory in nature. Quantitative and qualitative variables were measured and analyzed using a probabilistic sample that included all public servants providing user services in the studied institution. Interviews were conducted to provide a detailed description of observed actions in telework regarding user service. The instruments were appropriately validated. In the initial diagnosis, low automation and a lack of effective communication channels for user service in telework were identified. Additionally, the research was theoretically grounded by analyzing the impact of telework on user service and the speed of administrative processes. User satisfaction with the service received through telework was evaluated using the Iadov technique, revealing a high level of satisfaction. The hypothesis was validated, showing that the independent variable received a very high evaluation, demonstrating that telework in user service has a positive impact by meeting the institution's expectations during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Descripción : La investigación se originó a partir del problema relacionado con el teletrabajo y la atención a usuarios en el Ministerio del Trabajo de la delegación de Manta durante el confinamiento por la COVID-19. El objetivo principal es determinar cómo el teletrabajo afecta la atención al usuario y la eficiencia de los procesos administrativos de los empleados que trabajan en modalidad semipresencial en dicha institución. Este estudio es de carácter exploratorio y explicativo.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6328
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