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dc.contributor.authorAlvarado Loor, María José-
dc.identifier.citationAlvarado Loor, M. J. (2024). Características morfométricas de huevos fértiles de gallinas criollas y su correlación con el dimorfismo sexual. (Artículo Científico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión El Carmen, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa presente investigación abarca las características morfométricas de huevos fértiles de gallinas criollas y su correlación con el dimorfismo sexual, se realizaron análisis descriptivos para resumir y describir las características principales de los datos. Se calcularon medidas de tendencia central, como la media, y medidas de dispersión, también se realizó la prueba de normalidad que permitió verificar la normalidad de los datos, un paso crucial para elegir el tipo de análisis estadístico adecuado. Pruebas no paramétricas: Dado que los datos no seguían una distribución normal, se optó por pruebas no paramétricas.es
dc.description.abstractThe present research covers the morphometric characteristics of fertile eggs of native hens and their correlation with sexual dimorphism. Descriptive analyzes were carried out to summarize and describe the main characteristics of the data. Measures of central tendency, such as the mean, and measures of dispersion were calculated. The normality test was also performed, which allowed verifying the normality of the data, a crucial step to choose the appropriate type of statistical analysis. Non-parametric tests: Since the data did not follow a normal distribution, non-parametric tests were chosen. In particular, the Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the measurements of length, circumference and weight between two independent groups (females and males). Correlation Analysis: Spearman's Rho: Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient was used to examine associations between length, girth, and weight. The results found in the research show that in the comparative analysis the eggs from which males were born were significantly longer (54.30 mm versus 52.72 mm), wider (42.44 mm versus 41.09 mm) and heavier (57.44 g versus 53.72 g) than those from females, showing greater uniformity in size and shape. For regression analysis: Egg shape is a significant predictor of chick sex, with an explanatory power of 67.3% in the variability of sex based on egg shape.es
dc.titleCaracterísticas morfométricas de huevos fértiles de gallinas criollas y su correlación con el dimorfismo sexual.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA AGROPECUARIA

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