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dc.contributor.authorIntriago Moreira, Michael Enrique-
dc.identifier.citationIntriago Moreira, M. E. (2024). Evaluación de mastitis subclínica y su efecto en la calidad de la leche en ganaderías de la parroquia Wilfrido Loor Moreira del cantón el Carmen 2023. (Artículo Científico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión El Carmen, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente estudio se llevó a cabo en ganaderías de la parroquia Wilfrido Loor Moreira, ubicada en el cantón El Carmen, en el año 2023. El objetivo general fue evaluar la mastitis subclínica y su efecto en la calidad de la leche en estas ganaderías. Se aplicó un modelo estadístico con enfoque no experimental que incluyó la recolección de muestras de leche aleatoria y la realización de entrevistas estructuradas con los propietarios de las fincas, así como la observación directa de las condiciones de manejo.es
dc.description.abstractThe present study was carried out in farms in the Wilfrido Loor Moreira parish, located in the El Carmen canton, in 2023. The general objective was to evaluate subclinical mastitis and its effect on milk quality in these farms. A statistical model with a non-experimental approach was applied that included the collection of random milk samples and the conduct of structured interviews with farm owners, as well as direct observation of management conditions. The methodology included the application of diagnostic tests, such as the California Mastitis Test (CMT), and laboratory analysis to determine the main bacteria in milk with mastitis and also the physical-chemical composition of milk with and without the disease. The results indicated a high prevalence of subclinical mastitis in the studied herds, which translated into a significant decrease in milk quality contrary to what was presented in mastitis-free milk. This decrease in quality was evidenced by an increase in the somatic cell count, which was carried out by interpreting the degree of agglutination of the milk when subjected to the CMT reagent, which showed that 33.33% of the sampled cows had the presence of mastitis between traces, (+), (++) and (+++), on the other hand, 66.67% of the sampled cows did not present this condition. The decrease in quality was also evidenced by a reduction in the levels of fat, protein and lactose. These findings highlight the need to implement adequate management measures to improve cattle health and the quality of the final product.es
dc.titleEvaluación de mastitis subclínica y su efecto en la calidad de la leche en ganaderías de la parroquia Wilfrido Loor Moreira del cantón el Carmen 2023.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA AGROPECUARIA

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