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Título : La auditoría de gestión como herramienta para mejorar los procesos administrativos en la empresa AUTOMOTRIZ DIONY de El Carmen en el periodo 2022.
Autor : Sandoval Mero, Sofia Magdalena
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Sandoval Mero, S. M. (2024). La auditoría de gestión como herramienta para mejorar los procesos administrativos en la empresa AUTOMOTRIZ DIONY de El Carmen en el periodo 2022. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-CT.AUD;0211
Resumen : The investigation into the management audit at Automotriz Diony de El Carmen, conducted in 2022, focused on improving the company's administrative processes. Initially, the scope of the audit was defined to identify specific areas and establish clear objectives. Previous information collection included review of relevant documents and analysis of workflows. An audit team with competent auditors was formed and a detailed audit plan was developed. The process included communicating the plan to all staff, ensuring their cooperation, and evaluating administrative processes through a SWOT analysis. Data collection was conducted through interviews, surveys, and direct observation. The data collected was analyzed to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the processes and compare them to industry best practices. Issues and areas for improvement were identified, and specific recommendations were developed to optimize operational efficiency. The audit report documented the findings and was presented to senior management. An action plan was designed prioritizing recommendations and assigning responsibilities. Staff were trained in new practices and performance indicators were established to monitor the effectiveness of the new processes. Periodic internal audits were scheduled to ensure adherence and adjust based on results. The conclusions highlighted improvements in operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, internal management, and the culture of continuous improvement. Regular audits, continuous staff training, use of advanced technologies and fostering a culture of continuous improvement were recommended.
Descripción : La investigación sobre la auditoría de gestión en Automotriz Diony de El Carmen, realizada en 2022, se centró en mejorar los procesos administrativos de la empr esa. Inicialmente, se definió el alcance de la auditoría para identificar áreas específicas y establecer objetivos claros. La recolección de información previa incluyó la revisión de documentos relevantes y el análisis de flujos de trabajo. Se formó un equipo de auditoría con auditores competentes y se desarrolló un plan de auditoría detallado.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6472
Aparece en las colecciones: CONTABILIDAD Y AUDITORÍA

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