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dc.contributor.authorVera Párraga, Stefany Michelle-
dc.contributor.authorZambrano Moreira, Maidelin Yelena-
dc.identifier.citationVera Párraga, S. M. y Zambrano Moreira, M. Y. (2024). Tecnologías avanzadas en la neurorehabilitación de usuarios con hemiplejía. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa tecnología ha avanzado de manera notable, integrándose en diferentes áreas, incluida la terapia ocupacional, donde se ha convertido en una herramienta fundamental para mejorar la efectividad de los tratamientos. En el caso de personas con hemiplejía, una condición que afecta un lado del cuerpo debido a lesiones cerebrales, las nuevas tecnologías han permitido progresos significativos en la neuro rehabilitación, como el uso de dispositivos que fomentan la autonomía, mejoran las habilidades cognitivas y motoras, y optimizan la calidad de vida.es
dc.description.abstractTechnology has advanced remarkably, integrating itself in different areas, including occupational therapy, where it has become a fundamental tool to improve the effectiveness of treatments. In the case of people with hemiplegia, a condition that affects one side of the body due to brain injuries, new technologies have enabled significant progress in neurorehabilitation, such as the use of devices that promote autonomy, improve cognitive and motor skills, and optimize quality of life. In countries such as the United States and Spain, technological development in the field of health has transformed treatments, highlighting tools such as exoskeletons, brain-computer interfaces and virtual reality. However, in Ecuador, the adoption of these technologies faces challenges, such as high costs, geographical limitations and lack of accessibility, which complicates their integration into neurorehabilitation treatments. Despite these difficulties, the research highlights the need to implement these technologies in Ecuador to improve outcomes in patients with hemiplegia. The reviewed studies conclude that advanced technologies, such as robotic devices and virtual reality, are effective and safe for rehabilitation, stimulating neuroplasticity and facilitating daily activities. However, they highlight the importance of customizing treatments to individual needs in order to maximize benefits.es
dc.titleTecnologías avanzadas en la neurorehabilitación de usuarios con hemiplejía.es
Aparece en las colecciones: TERAPIA OCUPACIONAL

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