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dc.contributor.authorMacias Muñoz, Anthony Kleber-
dc.identifier.citationMacias Muñoz, A. K. (2024). Estrategia para optimizar el manejo de inventario de repuestos en la industria automotriz. (Artículo académico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente artículo se realizó mediante un estudio en que la carencia de estrategias eficaces genera ineficiencias que afectan directamente la optimización del inventario en la industria automotriz se planteó como objetivo general Determinar estrategias exitosas en el sector automotriz para la gestión de inventarios.es
dc.description.abstractThe present article was conducted through a study in which the lack of effective strategies generates inefficiencies that directly affect inventory optimization in the automotive industry. The general objective was to determine successful strategies for inventory management in the automotive sector. The research focuses on analyzing how inadequate inventory management, caused by the absence of precise strategies at key moments, significantly impacts efficiency and optimization in the automotive field. The general objective of the research was to determine successful strategies for inventory management in the automotive sector. The methodology used was descriptive, bibliographic, and quantitative, applying surveys to company employees to obtain quantitative data. The results show that 86% of respondents believe that the strategies implemented by the organization have improved goal achievement, with 98% perceiving positive results in return on investment. Additionally, 91% recognize an improvement in the order cycle, and 100% agree that delivery accuracy has improved. However, disparities in perceptions indicate areas for improvement in the reception of inventory strategies.The study’s conclusions suggest the need to implement strategies to optimize inventory management and improve efficiency in inventory control.es
dc.titleEstrategia para optimizar el manejo de inventario de repuestos en la industria automotriz.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS

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