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Título : Inclusión laboral y su influencia en la responsabilidad social de la empresa systray manta-2024
Autor : Macías Tejada, Kléver Jeanpierre
Palabras clave : COLABORADORES
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Macías Tejada, K. J. (2024). Inclusión laboral y su influencia en la responsabilidad social de la empresa systray manta-2024. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM_ADM;0391
Resumen : Labor inclusion and social responsibility are essential to ensure the sustainability and adaptability of an organization. Both aspects directly influence the well-being of employees, strengthening corporate performance in order to have a better perception in the company's environment. The present research aims to evaluate Labor Inclusion and its influence on the social responsibility of the Systray company in the city of Manta, 2024. The study focuses on analyzing how the implementation of inclusive policies can strengthen the perception of responsibility both internally and in the community. In addition, it proposes the incorporation of people with disabilities into the workforce, highlighting the need to previously prepare employees to understand the benefits of these practices. Its methodology is mixed quantitative and qualitative, with transversal design and with a correlational scope. The research establishes as a sample the total population that belongs to 20 company employees (in charge of customer service, windows, mobile phones, among others) to collect the data, a survey is used that involves both the labor inclusion variable and the job performance variable. To analyse and obtain the results, the SPSS software is used, which allows obtaining the results of the Rho Spearman evaluation coefficient and the significance analysis. For this reason, according to the results obtained, a significant positive correlation is indicated, suggesting that there is a direct relationship between the perception of labour inclusion and social responsibility. Thanks to this, it is possible to provide a solution to the problem raised and offer a programme.
Descripción : La inclusión laboral y la responsabilidad social son fundamentales para garantizar la sostenibilidad y adaptabilidad de un organización. Ambos aspectos influyen directamente en el bienestar de los colaboradores fortaleciendo el desempeño corporativo con la finalidad de tener una mejor percepción en el entorno de la empresa. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar la Inclusión Laboral y su influencia en la responsabilidad social de la empresa Systray de la ciudad de Manta, 2024.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6587
Aparece en las colecciones: ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS

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