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dc.contributor.authorMero Menéndez, Melani Elizabeth-
dc.identifier.citationMero Menéndez, M. E. (2024). Planificación estratégica como objeto de estudio en los obstáculos y consecuencias en el desarrollo de la empresa Eurofish S.A. En la ciudad de Manta. (Artículo Científico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionConsiderando que la planificación estratégica es un factor determinante para la competitividad y sostenibilidad empresarial, este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los obstáculos que ha enfrentado Eurofish S.A. en su planificación estratégica e identificar áreas de mejora para optimizar su adaptación y desempeño en el mercado.es
dc.description.abstractConsidering that strategic planning is a key factor for business competitiveness and sustainability, this study aimed to analyze the obstacles that Eurofish S.A. has faced in its strategic planning and identify areas for improvement to optimize its adaptation and performance in the market. It examined how organizational misalignment, insufficient strategy monitoring, and deficient internal communication have impacted its business development. A quantitative methodology with a non-experimental design was used. Data collection was conducted through structured surveys directed at employees from different hierarchical levels, employing the Likert scale to measure perceptions regarding strategic planning, its challenges, and its impact on the organization. The results showed that 88.5% of respondents considered that the limited availability of technological resources represented a significant obstacle to strategic planning, while 85.7% indicated that an inadequately defined short- term vision affected strategy implementation. Additionally, 83.2% stated that deficient internal communication hindered the execution of strategic plans, and 86.3% mentioned that strategy supervision and evaluation were not conducted frequently enough, affecting decision-making. These weaknesses negatively impacted the company's competitiveness and adaptability. It was concluded that strengthening strategic planning through the implementation of a continuous monitoring system, optimizing internal communication, and training personnel in strategic management is necessary. These actions would not only improve operational efficiency but also contribute to the sustainable growth of Eurofish S.A.es
dc.titlePlanificación estratégica como objeto de estudio en los obstáculos y consecuencias en el desarrollo de la empresa Eurofish S.A. En la ciudad de Mantaes
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