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Título : Marketing digital y comportamiento del consumidor del restaurante “Don Willy 2” Santa Marianita cantón Manta 2024.
Autor : Piguave Reyes, María Anayeli
Palabras clave : MARKETING DIGITAL
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Piguave Reyes, M. A. (2024). Marketing digital y comportamiento del consumidor del restaurante “Don Willy 2” Santa Marianita cantón Manta 2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM_ADM;0413
Resumen : The present research is entitled “digital marketing and consumer behavior of the restaurant 'Don Willy 2', Santa Marianita, canton Manta 2024” and addresses the impact of digital marketing on consumer decisions, as well as on customer perception and loyalty towards the brand. Using a quantitative approach, data was collected through surveys applied to a representative sample of 383 customers, allowing to analyze dimensions such as consumer psychology, the decision-making process, cultural customs and their relationship with digital marketing strategies. The results obtained indicate that digital marketing plays a crucial role in improving the customer experience, highlighting the importance of tools such as social networks and personalized promotions. In addition, it was identified that factors such as beliefs and cultural customs have a significant impact on consumer decisions, which underlines the relevance of adapting marketing strategies to the particularities of the target audience. The study also revealed the need to strengthen the restaurant's digital presence, making use of platforms such as facebook, instagram and whatsapp business to attract new customers and consolidate relationships with existing ones. In this context, a comprehensive strategy was proposed that includes staff training, the design of segmented campaigns and the creation of relevant content that highlights local cultural values, with the aim of establishing a deeper emotional connection with consumers. In conclusion, the research reaffirms that the efficient use of digital tools and the implementation of strategies adapted to consumer behavior can position the restaurant "Don Willy 2" as a leader in the local market, improving its competitiveness and its relationship with customers.
Descripción : La presente investigación tiene como título “marketing digital y comportamiento del consumidor del restaurante 'Don Willy 2', Santa Marianita, cantón Manta 2024” y aborda el impacto del marketing digital en las decisiones de consumo, así como en la percepción y fidelidad de los clientes hacia la marca. Se recopilaron datos a través de encuestas aplicadas a una muestra representativa de 383 clientes, permitiendo analizar dimensiones como la psicología del consumidor, el proceso de toma de decisiones, las costumbres culturales y su relación con las estrategias de marketing digital.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6609
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