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Título : El estrés laboral y su influencia en el comportamiento organizacional en la empresa Ceramicasa S.A., Manta, 2024.
Autor : Moreira Morales, Yulexi Mariel
Palabras clave : BIENESTAR LABORAL
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Moreira Morales, Y. M. (2024). El estrés laboral y su influencia en el comportamiento organizacional en la empresa Ceramicasa S.A., Manta, 2024. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ADM;0419
Resumen : The present investigation determined the influence of work-related stress on organizational behavior at Ceramicasa S.A., Manta, 2024, demonstrating how it affects individual, group, and systemic levels of organizational behavior. The study was conducted using a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional design and a correlational scope. Data collection was carried out through a survey using a Likert-scale questionnaire, adapted from the works of Huanca (2022) and Henao et al. (2018), directed at the 46 employees of the company. The instrument was validated using Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient, which obtained a value of 0.985, indicating high internal consistency. The results showed that work-related stress was perceived negatively, with high job demands, little control over work, and limited social support, negatively affecting organizational behavior. This was also reflected in difficulties with employee commitment to their responsibilities, group collaboration, and organizational system alignment. Based on the results, a significant correlation was established between the study variables, with a Spearman’s Rho coefficient of 0.830, confirming that work-related stress directly influences organizational behavior. Therefore, it is concluded that effective management of work-related stress is essential to fostering a healthy work environment, thereby improving both individual and collective employee behavior.
Descripción : La presente investigación determinó la influencia del estrés laboral en el comportamiento organizacional en la empresa Ceramicasa SA, Manta, 2024., demostrando cómo este afecta los niveles individual, grupal y sistémico del comportamiento organizacional. El estudio se desarrolló bajo un enfoque cuantitativo, de diseño no experimental-transversal, con alcance correlacional. Para la recolección de datos se empleó como técnica la encuesta, a través de un cuestionario en escala de Likert, adaptado de los trabajos de Huanca (2022) y Henao et al. (2018), dirigido a los 46 colaboradores de la empresa, el cual fue validado mediante el Coeficiente de fiabilidad Alfa de Cronbach, que obtuvo un valor de 0.985, indicando una alta consistencia interna.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6615
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