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dc.contributor.authorVera Sánchez, Cristhian Anthony-
dc.identifier.citationVera Sánchez, C. A. (2024). Marketing digital como factor de crecimiento económico y posicionamiento de las empresas automotrices de Tarqui. (Artículo científico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEste estudio analizó el impacto del marketing digital en el crecimiento y posicionamiento de las empresas automotrices de Tarqui, con el objetivo de evaluar cómo las estrategias digitales afectan su competitividad. Se utilizó un enfoque mixto, combinando métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos, para obtener una visión completa del impacto digital en el sector. La metodología fue exploratoria y descriptiva, basada en datos de la AEADE y la CINAE, con encuestas aplicadas a 16 empresas que conformaron la población y muestra del estudio. El coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach de 0.977 validó la fiabilidad de los datos.es
dc.description.abstractThis study analyzed the impact of digital marketing on the growth and positioning of automotive companies in Tarqui, with the aim of evaluating how digital strategies affect their competitiveness. A mixed approach was used, combining quantitative and qualitative methods to gain a comprehensive understanding of the digital impact in the sector. The methodology was exploratory and descriptive, based on data from AEADE and CINAE, with surveys applied to 16 companies that formed both the population and the sample of the study. The Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of 0.977 validated the reliability of the data. The results showed that 68.8% of the companies that adopted digital marketing reported improvements in visibility and competitiveness, particularly through SEO and social media advertising. However, 12.5% faced technological and knowledge limitations in implementing these tools effectively. Despite the advancements, only 50% of the companies succeeded in converting potential customers through social media, while the rest did not achieve satisfactory results due to issues with segmentation and message personalization. The study concluded that digital marketing is crucial for the growth and positioning of automotive companies in Tarqui, although it is necessary to improve technological infrastructure and optimize digital strategies to maximize their effectiveness and potential.es
dc.titleMarketing digital como factor de crecimiento económico y posicionamiento de las empresas automotrices de Tarquies
Aparece en las colecciones: ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS

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