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Título : Solver como herramienta para la toma de decisiones financieras en las empresas atuneras, Manta.
Autor : Monar Valle, Carla Ivana
Palabras clave : CONOCIMIENTO
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Monar Valle, C. I. (2024). Solver como herramienta para la toma de decisiones financieras en las empresas atuneras, Manta. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ADM;0457
Resumen : The present work analyzes the implementation of the solver, Microsoft Excel tool, for financial decision-making in tuna companies in the city of Manta. This particular sector is fundamental to the local economy, facing complex challenges that require advanced solutions to optimize resources, model financial scenarios and improve decision-making accuracy. The research used a quantitative approach through surveys applied to financial directors of 16 tuna companies, evaluating the acceptance and effectiveness of the solver in three dimensions; scenario modeling, resource optimization and speed in decision-making. The results showed a low acceptance of solver due to a lack of technical training and appreciation of complexity, with 56.3% of respondents disagreeing with its overall benefit. The correlation between the use of the solver and the improvement of financial decisions was moderate but not significant. The proposal included training workshops, implementation of pilot projects and technological improvements, seeking to overcome obstacles such as the lack of knowledge and resources. It was concluded that the solver, although it has a high potential to optimize financial processes, its effective application requires training, adequate infrastructure and strategies that demonstrate its real benefits in a competitive environment.
Descripción : El presente trabajo analizó la implementación del solver, herramienta de Microsoft Excel, para la toma de decisiones financieras en las empresas atuneras de la ciudad de Manta. Este sector en particular es fundamental para la economía local, enfrenta desafíos complejos que requieren soluciones avanzadas para optimizar recursos, modelar escenarios financieros y mejorar la precisión en las decisiones.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6654
Aparece en las colecciones: ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS

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