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dc.contributor.authorSoledispa Guanoluisa, Cinthia Katherine-
dc.identifier.citationSoledispa Guanoluisa, C. K. (2024). Evaluación de tres fermentos naturales para la coagulación de leche en el cantón Pedernales. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Extensión Pedernales, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl Presente proyecto de investigación se basó en la elaboración de quesos frescos, al cumplir con uno de los procesos de la elaboración que es la evaluación de tres fermentos naturales para la coagulación de la leche. Para tener claro que fermento obtuvo el mejor rendimiento tanto en sabor como en textura, se realizaron encuestas en el cantón Pedernales. Dicha investigación se realizó en el cantón Pedernales, en una quesería artesanal llamada “Lácteos Soledispa” la cual se dedica a la producción y comercialización de productos lácteos al por mayor y menor.es
dc.description.abstractThe present research project was based on the production of fresh cheeses, by complying with one of the production processes, which is the evaluation of three natural ferments for milk coagulation. To be clear about which ferment obtained the best performance in both flavor and texture, surveys were carried out in the Pedernales canton. This research was carried out in the Pedernales canton, in an artisanal cheese factory called “Lacteous Soledispa” which is dedicated to the production and marketing of wholesale and retail dairy products. In accordance with the objective "Evaluation of three natural ferments for milk coagulation in the Pedernales canton." For this, 3 natural treatments were proposed, treatment 1 (Lemon) treatment 2 (Orange) treatment 3 (Passion fruit), where a Hedonic test was carried out to obtain the best organoleptic characteristic with a panel of untrained judges of 50 people, using a 10-point scale with phrases such as: I like it a lot, I neither like it nor dislike it, I dislike it. The results were analyzed through an ANOVA analysis of variance and a Kruskal Wallys test to determine significant differences between the treatments. Identifying that the treatment that obtained the greatest acceptability of organoleptic characteristics was treatment 1 with 41%, followed by treatment 2 with 33% and treatment 3 with 26%.es
dc.titleEvaluación de tres fermentos naturales para la coagulación de leche en el cantón Pedernales.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA AGROPECUARIA

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