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Título : Incremento del precio de la albacora en el mercado nacional periodo 2019-2022.
Autor : Zambrano Ruilova, Kevin Xavier
Palabras clave : MERCADO NACIONAL
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Zambrano Ruilova, K. X. (2024). Incremento del precio de la albacora en el mercado nacional periodo 2019-2022. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-COM;0206
Resumen : The present investigation is carried out with the purpose of presenting to society the problems that the majority markets are going through, such as the Albacore, in the national market, as well as the causes that lead to the increase in price, many times uncontrolled, which has as a common objective that is the final consumer. All these possible causes are nothing more than a reflection of what in reality is the progressive inflation that all countries are going through, which, in turn, are reflected in the retail or wholesale markets. In this case we proceed to a collection of fundamental data that can be used to decipher possible changes in the markets and thus be used in a better way in the market, always giving good prospects to the processes necessary for the activation of this source of income that improves the country's economy.
Descripción : La presente investigación es llevada a cabo con el fin de presentar a la sociedad los problemas que atraviesan los mercados mayoritarios como lo es la Albacora, en el mercado Nacional, asimismo, las causas que conllevan al aumento de precio muchas veces incontrolado, el cual tiene como un objetivo común que es el consumidor final.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6795
Aparece en las colecciones: COMERCIO EXTERIOR

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