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dc.contributor.authorDender Zambrano, Andrea Selena-
dc.identifier.citationDender Zambrano, A. S. (2024). Innovación tecnológica en la eficiencia operativa de las Mipymes del cantón Pedernales. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa innovación tecnológica puede tener un impacto significativo en la eficiencia operativa de las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (MIPYMES). Una propuesta de investigación sobre este tema en el Cantón Pedernales podría explorar cómo la adopción de tecnologías innovadoras puede mejorar la productividad, reducir costos y optimizar los procesos empresariales en las MIPYMES de la región.es
dc.description.abstractTechnological innovation can have a significant impact on the operational efficiency of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs). A research proposal on this topic in the Canton of Pedernales could explore how the adoption of innovative technologies can improve productivity, reduce costs, and optimize business processes in MSMEs in the region. The main objective of this study is to determine the efficiency of technological innovation in the operation of these MSMEs. A mixed methodology was used, combining qualitative and quantitative techniques, with a descriptive approach. The target population will be 1425 MSMEs and a representative sample of 238 companies will be selected. During the diagnosis carried out, some limitations that affect the operational efficiency of MSMEs were identified, such as lack of access to updated technology, lack of training in new technological tools, and lack of investment in innovative equipment and systems. As a proposed solution, it is suggested to implement training and technological advice programs for MSMEs, as well as to promote collaboration between companies and government agencies to facilitate access to financing and technological resources. In addition, it is proposed to promote the creation of support and cooperation networks among MSMEs, with the aim of sharing knowledge and experiences in the use of innovative technology. These solutions seek to improve the operational efficiency of MSMEs in the Canton of Pedernales, allowing these companies to take full advantage of the benefits that technological innovation can bring them in terms of productivity, competitiveness and business growth.es
dc.titleInnovación tecnológica en la eficiencia operativa de las Mipymes del cantón Pedernales.es
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