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dc.contributor.authorBravo Gutiérrez, José Antonio-
dc.identifier.citationBravo Gutiérrez, J. A. (2024). Análisis lineal correlacional del comportamiento ante carga del sismo de diseño de la NEC 2015, de sistemas estructurales con acero a588 y de hormigón armado, en zona costera de Manabí, Ecuador. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEste proyecto se ha realizado con el objetivo de investigar el comportamiento análisis lineal estático y dinámico de diferentes sistemas constructivos para un edificio de seis pisos, con modelos planteados de hormigón armado y acero estructural, situado en el perfil costero de Manta, Ecuador. Utilizando como apoyo un software estructural ETBAS para el análisis lineal estático y dinámico, utilizando un sismo con normativa de la NEC 2015.es
dc.description.abstractThis project has been carried out with the objective of investigating the linear static and dynamic analysis behavior of different construction systems for a six-story building, with models proposed in reinforced concrete and structural steel, located on the coastal profile of Manta, Ecuador. Using as support an ETBAS structural software for the linear static and dynamic analysis, using an earthquake with NEC 2015 regulations. This building has been destined to be occupied by offices. The main entrance is located on the ground floor. For this building, a portico system composed of raised beams and columns has been used, a second combined system of raised beams, columns and shear walls, a braced system of a588 steel and a36 steel. The design includes the installation of an elevator with attached walls and emergency stairs. The pre-dimensioning did not meet the requirements of the structural analysis, since the drifts were greater than the maximum allowed, and torsional irregularity was also obtained, so these structural elements had to be resized to achieve greater rigidity in the structure, except for the slab dimensioning that did not need a new dimension. Once the necessary elements were redesigned, the values of static and dynamic basal shear, vibration modes, drifts, torsion were checked and the basal adjustment was carried out by the dynamic analysis, which proved that this redesign was adequate, the respective parameters and requirements specified in both the NEC – 15 standard and the ACI 318-14 code were met, Excel spreadsheets were used for a better organization of the results obtained.es
dc.titleAnálisis lineal correlacional del comportamiento ante carga del sismo de diseño de la NEC 2015, de sistemas estructurales con acero a588 y de hormigón armado, en zona costera de Manabí, Ecuador.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA CIVIL

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