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Título : Edad y crecimiento del tiburón cazón Mustelus henlei (Gill 1863) en el Pacífico Ecuatoriano.
Autor : Conforme Aguilera, Josue Santiago
Delgado Mero, Jean Josue
Palabras clave : HISTORIA DE VIDA
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Conforme Aguilera, J. S. y Delgado Mero, J. J. (2024). Edad y crecimiento del tiburón cazón Mustelus henlei (Gill 1863) en el Pacífico Ecuatoriano. (Artículo Académico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-BLGO;0060
Resumen : This study was carried out with the aim of generating new information through the analysis and reading of the vertebrae of the species, samples were collected in the fishing zone of Jaramijó-Manabí-Ecuador, from August 2023 to July 2024. A total of 164 individuals were obtained, consisting of 97 females and 67 males with lengths ranging from 43.30 - 70.40 cm LT (mean ± SO: 55.28 ± 6.35) and 42 - 58.5 cm L T (mean ± SD: 51.93 ± 4.07) respectively. Age estimates ranged from 2 to 7 years for females and from 2 to 4 years formales. Sígníficant differences were found between sexes with a (p<0.05), showing higher growth in females eompared to males. For the growth curves, two statistieal approaehes were taken into account; frequentist and Bayesian multi-models, through the information criteria AIC and LOOIC exclusion, of which, the one that best fitted these data was the bayesian approach, with Von bertanlaffy model, with the next data for both sex (L~ = 94.23 cm L T, g = O. 14), for female (L~ = 94.81 cm L T, g = 0.13) and for male (L~ = 78.68 cm L T, g = 0.29).
Descripción : Se realizó este estudio con el motivo de generar nueva información, mediante el análisis y lectura de las vértebras de Mustelus henlei, en donde se recolectaron muestras en la zona pesquera de Jaramijó-Manabí-Ecuador, desde agosto del 2023 a julio del 2024.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6948
Aparece en las colecciones: BIOLOGÍA

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