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Título : Los registros contables como método de planificación tributaria en los emprendimientos de Leónidas Plaza.
Autor : Macay Ferrín, Marlene Rocío
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Macay Ferrín, M. R. (2024). Los registros contables como método de planificación tributaria en los emprendimientos de Leónidas Plaza. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-CT.AUD;0218
Resumen : Worldwide, it is important for all businesses to maintain accounting records and implement tax planning to ensure proper operations and comply with the tax regulations established in each country. This contributes to business growth. This research was conducted to analyze the influence of accounting records on tax planning for businesses in the Leónidas Plaza parish, located in the Sucre Canton. To this end, descriptive and empirical methods were used, and surveys were conducted with 60 businesses in the area. It was learned that most operate informally and have not registered with the RUC (Taxpayer Registry of the Argentine Republic). Due to a lack of knowledge, they do not keep records of their economic activities, nor do they have tax or resource planning. Therefore, a basic guide on accounting and tax topics was proposed, containing the processes for maintaining accounting records and tax planning. accompanied by a training plan that seeks to strengthen user learning, to improve the operation of the ventures and so that they can have evidence of their economic activities, in accordance with the tax laws established in Ecuador.
Descripción : A nivel mundial es importante que todos los negocios lleven registros contables y planifiquen tributariamente para tener una buena operatividad, además de cumplir con las normativas fiscales establecidas en cada país; esto ayuda al crecimiento del negocio. Esta investigación se realizó con el objetivo de analizar la influencia que tienen los registros contables dentro de una planificación tributaria en los emprendimientos de la parroquia Leónidas Plaza, ubicada en el Cantón Sucre.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/7038
Aparece en las colecciones: CONTABILIDAD Y AUDITORÍA

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