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Title: Suplementación alimenticia en pollos de engorde con harina de zanahoria (Daucus carota) y su incidencia en la pigmentación.
Authors: Lara Lara, Anthony Paul
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Lara Lara, A. P. (2023). Suplementación alimenticia en pollos de engorde con harina de zanahoria (Daucus carota) y su incidencia en la pigmentación. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-AGRO;0130
Abstract: The objective of this research was to evaluate the "Feed supplementation of broilers with carrot (Daucus carota) meal and its incidence on pigmentation", using a Complete Randomized Design (C.R.D.), with factorial arrangement A (Sex) and B (Percentage of carrot meal) with eight treatments and eight observations: T1 (Females + 0% HZ), T2 (Females + 10% HZ), T3 (Females + 15% HZ), T4 (Females + 20% HZ), T5 (Males + 0% HZ), T6 (Males + 10 % HZ), T7 (Males + 15% HZ) and T8 (Males + 20% HZ); weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion, mortality, skin pigmentation and economic analysis were measured. These results showed the level of final weight and weight gain per week, only factor A (sex) had an effect, being the male chicks the heaviest with 2813.63 g. For the weight gain variable, there were statistical differences between females and males, with males being statistically superior with values of 116.65, 890.33 and 885.05 grams, in weeks 1, 3 and 5, respectively. For feed conversion there was an effect of factor b (Percentage of carrot meal), with the inclusion of 0 % carrot meal having the best feed conversion with 1.31, which implies that for 1.31 kg of feed consumed this animal will produce one kg of meat. In addition, the inclusion of 20% carrot meal in the diet of Broilers achieved the best score on the Roche scale with 6.13 points. In general, there is a directly proportional trend between the increase of carrot meal and the degree of skin pigmentation. Finally, it was established that the best benefit-cost ratios were in the T1 treatment (Females+0%HZ) with values of 1.33. It is concluded that the application of carrots during the broiler stage allows better pigmentation levels. Therefore, the use of these raw materials is recommended because a better quality meat is obtained in an organic form.
Description: La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la “Suplementación alimenticia en pollo de engorde con harina de zanahoria (Daucus carota) y su incidencia en la pigmentación”, Sé desarrollo utilizando un Diseño Completo al Azar (D.C.A.), con arreglo factorial A (Sexo) y B (Porcentaje de harina de zanahoria) con ocho tratamientos y ocho observaciones: T1 (Hembras + 0% HZ), T2 (Hembras + 10% HZ), T3 (Hembras + 15% HZ), T4 (Hembras + 20% HZ), T5 (Machos + 0% HZ), T6 (Machos + 10 % HZ), T7 (Machos + 15% HZ) y T8 (Machos + 20% HZ); se midió la ganancia de peso, consumo de alimento, conversión alimenticia, mortalidad, pigmentación de la piel y análisis económico. Estos resultados se ha mostrado el nivel de peso final y ganancia de peso por semanas solo existió efecto del factor A (Sexo),siendo los pollos machos los de mayor peso con 2813,63 g. En la variable ganancia de peso existieron diferencias estadísticas entre hembras y machos, siendo estadísticamente superior.

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