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dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Moreira, María Anabel-
dc.contributor.authorZambrano Bravo, Maira Alejandra-
dc.identifier.citationRodríguez Moreira, M. A. y Zambrano Bravo, M. A. (2023). Implementación del sistema de cama profunda aérea adaptado a la fase de ceba de la producción porcina en el cantón Chone. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl propósito del proyecto integrador radica en la construcción de la instalación para cerdos de ceba en sistema de cama profunda aérea en el cantón Chone, utilizando arquitectura vernácula como medio de potenciar el uso de la caña guadúa (Caña Saccharum officinarum) con el fin de minimizar los problemas que presentan las instalaciones convencionales de pequeños y medianos porcicultores como son: infraestructuras poco técnicas, mala gestión de residuos biológicos, poco dinamismo de protocolos nutricionales, mínimos manejos de protocolos sanitarios y manejo inadecuado de los factores productivos.es
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the integrative project lies in the construction of the facility for fattening pigs in an aerial deep bed system in the Chone canton, using vernacular architecture as a means of promoting the use of bamboo cane (Caña Saccharum officinarum), in order to minimize the problems presented by conventional facilities for small and medium-sized pig farmers, such as: Non-technical facilities, poor management of biological waste, little dynamism of nutritional protocols, minimal management of sanitary protocols and inadequate management of productive factors. The methodologies implemented were theoretical and empirical based on seeking information on vernacular architecture that has a lot to do with sustainability and localization in the face of globalization processes. Innovation was projected on the aerial deep bed system since it allows to reduce the investment in the facilities, where the producer usually has the raw material in the agricultural production units, delivering a new model in pig production for the areas rural. In this sense, the level of ventilation in the facilities is enhanced, reducing the level of waterlogging, providing positive benefits to the animals with the management of the establishment of a technical manual for pig farmers.es
dc.subjectCAÑA GUADÚAes
dc.titleImplementación del sistema de cama profunda aérea adaptado a la fase de ceba de la producción porcina en el cantón Chone.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA AGROPECUARIA

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