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Title: Estimación del Tiempo de Corte del Pasto Brachiaria brizanta cv Marandú bajo condiciones de Secano en el cantón Chone.
Authors: Párraga Orellana, Karla Estefanía
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Párraga Orellana, K. E. (2023). Estimación del Tiempo de Corte del Pasto Brachiaria brizanta cv Marandú bajo condiciones de Secano en el cantón Chone. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Series/Report no.: ULEAM-AGRO;0212
Abstract: The present investigation was carried out in the Tigrillo experimental farm of the Laica Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí Chone Extension in the Bijagual Site belonging to the Ricaurte parish of the Chone canton. The objective was to evaluate or estimate cutting times in the Pasture Brachiaria brizantha cv Marandú under dry conditions. Four times of cuts were studied, which were at 25-30-35-40 in 4x4m plots, of which three cuts were made in each of them, which began with an ecualización cut and inorganic fertilization at 10 days. Within them, the height of the plant, biomass was measured and at the end of the cuts an analysis of protein, acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber and dry matter was made. The results indicate that the cut-off time showed differences in the evaluated variables. The time where a better plant height was reached was between 30 and 35 days, which was corroborated in all the evaluations carried out. Likewise, the highest yield of biomass per area unit was obtained at 35 days. The protein presented an average of 10% and FDA, NDF and MS have a content of 47.5%, 71.3% and 18%, respectively. The cutting time under rainfed ambient conditions is linked to the environmental and management conditions, in addition, the biomass production that is required to be achieved.
Description: La presente investigación se llevó a cabo en la finca experimental Tigrillo de la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí Extensión Chone en el Sitio Bijagual perteneciente a la parroquia Ricaurte del cantón Chone. Se tuvo como objetivo evaluar o estimar tiempos de corte en el Pasto Brachiaria brizantha cv Marandú bajo condiciones de Secano. Se estudió cuatro tiempos de cortes que fueron a los 25-30-35-40 en parcelas de 4x4m de los cuales se realizaron tres cortes en cada uno de los mismos, el cual inicio con un de corte igualación y fertilización inorgánica a los 10 días.

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