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dc.contributor.authorVera Briones, Jeffrey Joel-
dc.identifier.citationVera Briones, J. J. (2023). Herramientas de gamificación para fortalecer la lectura en estudiantes de 8vo año. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente trabajo, es un estudio que se centra en el uso de herramientas de gamificación para fortalecer la lectura en estudiantes de 8vo "A". El motivo principal de esta propuesta es fortalecer el desempeño del estudiante en el desarrollo de sus habilidades y destrezas lectoras a través de la gamificación. Este análisis, se basó en una metodología de investigación cualitativa con un enfoque descriptivo y bibliográfico. Considerando, como población universo 280 estudiantes de los cuales, se seleccionó la muestra de manera aleatoria estratificada simple, teniendo como resultado la selección de 40 sujetos del 8vo año de Educación General Básica, paralelo “A”.es
dc.description.abstractThe present work is a study that focuses on the use of gamification tools to strengthen reading in eighth "A" students. The main reason for this proposal is to strengthen student performance in the development of their reading abilities and skills through gamification. This analysis was based on a qualitative research methodology with a descriptive and bibliographic approach. Considering, as a universe population, 280 students, of which the sample was selected in a simple stratified random manner, resulting in the selection of forty subjects from the eighth year of Basic General Education, parallel "A". The general objective of the study was focused on: Analyze gamification tools to strengthen reading in eighth year students of Basic General Education. On the other hand, the specific objectives focused on: determining the reading level of eighth grade "A" students; select appropriate gamification tools to strengthen student reading; and design gamification activities using the Google Sites website to strengthen reading. As a result, 66% of the students reached different levels of reading competence in the diagnosis, such as: unsatisfactory, should improve and satisfactory. On the other hand, 34% require an advanced reading level for their educational level. These results concluded an overview of the level of reading proficiency, which indicates the need to implement gamification tools to strengthen reading.es
dc.relation.ispartofseriesULEAM - PLL;020-
dc.titleHerramientas de gamificación para fortalecer la lectura en estudiantes de 8vo año.es
Aparece en las colecciones: PEDAGOGÍA DE LA LENGUA Y LA LITERATURA

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