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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.contributor.authorAlay López, Douglas Andrés-
dc.contributor.authorPinargote Briones, Melannie Cristina-
dc.identifier.citationAlay López, D. A. y Pinargote Briones, M. C. (2023). Análisis integral y propuesta de revitalización de conectores viales de la ciudad de Jama. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionDentro de este trabajo académico se llevó a cabo la visita a campo, el cual se nos proporcionó información por parte del municipio de Jama, por ende, se hizo el respectivo análisis de la ciudad mediante entrevistas, fotografías, planos y encuestas, utilizando el método analítico y sintético para el estudio de la revitalización vial.es
dc.description.abstractThe cantonal capital of Jama goes through new stages of transformations within the urban space, due to the expansion of the territory that leads to changes within the city that affects in a social, economic and environmental way and as such the revitalization or regeneration of each of these elements is sought, therefore, the conceptualization of the problem is the degradation of the vehicular roads, pedestrian spaces and lack of bicycle paths, thus generating little hierarchy and therefore also an urban image not pleasant to the view of the community. Within this academic work, the field visit was carried out, which was provided to us by the municipality of Jama, therefore, the respective analysis of the city was made through interviews, photographs, plans and surveys, using the analytical and synthetic method for the study of road revitalization. Proposing as a proposal the regeneration of vehicular and bicycle paths taking into account the materiality to be used and the regulations for their respective dimensions and within the pedestrian public space, the change towards a comfortable and beneficial area for the population is given as an initiative, giving rise to sidewalks as an important element when traveling, applying in a representative way the culture of Jama giving an identity to each space.es
dc.titleAnálisis integral y propuesta de revitalización de conectores viales de la ciudad de Jama.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ARQUITECTURA

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