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dc.contributor.authorLópez Cevallos, Kevin Alexander-
dc.identifier.citationLópez Cevallos, K. A. (2023). Espacios domésticos millenials: un contexto metaconsiente. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionSe presenta un proyecto de investigación con el tema ¨Espacios domésticos Millenials: Un contexto metaconsiente¨, donde se explica como el modo de vida de esta generación debería afectar su habitar. Los espacios domésticos millenials reclaman una moderna manera de habitar, estos buscan ser eficientes anulando espacios innecesarios en su estructura interna, logrando ser privado, íntimo y seguro. El proyecto de investigación tiene como propósito estudiar la carencia de espacios domésticos que cumplan las necesidades millenials determinadas por la metaconciencia.es
dc.description.abstractA research project is presented with the theme ¨Millennial domestic spaces: A meta-conscious context¨, where it is explained how the way of life of this generation should affect their living. Millennial domestic spaces demand a modern way of living, they seek to be efficient by eliminating unnecessary spaces in their internal structure, achieving privacy, intimacy and security. The purpose of the research project is to study the lack of domestic spaces that meet the millennial needs determined by the meta-consciousness. The research was conducted with a descriptive approach, using a mixed approach through documentary and comparative research, taking a sample population of the university community of the Uleam belonging to the millennial generation, applying data collection techniques of the surveys conducted, through which the behavior of the millennial generation and their behavior in domestic spaces was analyzed. This study confirms that the behavior and lifestyle of the millennial generation directly affects their housing needs, also showing that the spaces they inhabit are not the ones they need, because the architecture functionally did not evolve with the generations. The conclusion obtained by the research clarifies that the domestic spaces of this generation arise from the knowledge acquired in an unconscious way, (where a spatiality based on rationality and function is needed, coupling to the ideology of "less is more"), besides the fact that these housing needs are mostly not considered for the creation of millennial housing, producing a mute architecture for this generation.es
dc.titleEspacios domésticos millenials: un contexto metaconsiente.es
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