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dc.contributor.authorPlascencio Alava, Andrea del Carmen-
dc.identifier.citationPlascencio Alava, A. C. (2023). Análisis de la evolución del centro urbano de Montecristi, estrategias al 2030. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl centro de Montecristi y su evolución muestra la forma en como creció su ciudad, pero sin ninguna representación que ayudara a medir el crecimiento del territorio, lo que lo hace relevante hoy cuando se establecen nuevos asentamientos. Montecristi como ciudad en cuanto a su población se encuentra dividida en medio de Manta y Portoviejo creando una conurbación de la parroquia Leónidas Proaño con Manta y la parroquia General Eloy Alfaro.es
dc.description.abstractThe center of Montecristi and its evolution shows how its city grew, but without any representation to help measure the growth of the territory, which makes it relevant today when new settlements are established. Montecristi as a city in terms of its population is divided in the middle of Manta and Portoviejo creating a conurbation of the parish Leonidas Proaño with Manta and the parish General Eloy Alfaro. To understand the recognition and important potential of the center of Montecristi, which is known as a political, religious and commercial meeting point, in addition to its municipal administration which creates a plan for the 2.023 with guidelines in the management and application of the PDyOT the same where are all the regulations of the territory, urban expansion and conservation of the patrimonies. The statistics according to the INEC are the key tool to see population growth, the same that was represented by maps resulting in an urban spot where settlements of built areas is less than 500m linear, being the new built areas, green areas, schools and temporary churches. Interpreting the road plot as its irregular morphological urban fabric that determined the apple orchards with streets without exits. For the 2030 agenda and the SDGs a comparison is made applying its principles and analyzing that the center of Montecristi presents problems that have no solutions or interest for their conservation and progress due to inadequate planning that causes the disintegration of the identity of the centre.es
dc.subjectTRAMA VIALes
dc.titleAnálisis de la evolución del centro urbano de Montecristi, estrategias al 2030.es
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